51-important one liner from SEED SCIENCE
- Wheat and Rice are self pollinated crops.#paperout.in
- Maize is cross pollinated crop and pearl millet also.#paperout.in
- All India Seed Producer Association is established in the year 1946.#paperout.in
- National seed act passed in 1966.#paperout.in
- National seed corporation is established in 1963.
- UP seed and Tarai Developmet Corporation established in the year of 1978.#paperout.in
- Tarai seeds Development Corporation established in 1969.#paperout.in
- In the year of 1957 ICAR lauched a project (all India coordinated maize improvement projects) with the help of Rocke Feller Foundation.#paperout.in
- Scarification and stratification process to induced seed dormancy.#paperout.in
- Triers are used for seed sampling.#paperout.in
- For break the dormancy of seeds used gibberellic acid 50 to 1000 PPM KNO3 0.2 person Thiourea 0.2 to 0.5%.#paperout.in
- Gibberellic acid KNO3 and Thiourea are the growth regulators.#paperout.in
- EMC equimillion moisture content.#paperout.in
- Retting is a method of seed extraction.#paperout.in
- TL means- truthful label.#paperout.in
- UPSSCA- Uttar Pradesh state seed Corporation agency.#paperout.in
- CVRE- Central variety release committee.#paperout.in
- CSTL- Central seed testing laboratory.#paperout.in
- PPV & FR act :- protection of plant variety & farmers right act.#paperout.in
- MAIZE is cultivated over an area about 130 million hectare with a production about 480 million tons of grain in the world.#paperout.in
- Origin place of maize Central America and Mexico.#paperout.in
- The major Maize growing countries are USA, Brazil, Argentina, China, Mexico, India.#paperout.in
- The average yield per hectare USA ranks first with 6865 kg per hectare.#paperout.in
- In India 6 million hectare is under Maize crop and leading state or Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Punjab.#paperout.in
- The most suitable temperature for seed germination is 21 °C and power plant go 32 °C.
- Maize is basically wind pollinated crop.#paperout.in
- For lab test the weight of working sample in rice is 40 kg.#paperout.in
- For hybrid seed production in pearl millet use of A B and R lines is necessary.#paperout.in
- Tetrazolium salt is used for seed viability test.#paperout.in
- The isolation distance between seed in rice is 3 m.#paperout.in
- The CSTL (central seed testing laboratory) is situated in BHU Varanasi.
- The headquarter of I SST is situated at New Delhi.#paperout.in
- First hybrid of sorghum was released in 1964.#paperout.in
- DVS development of varietal seed.#paperout.in
- IMS CS Indian minimum seed certification standard.#paperout.in
- GOT grow out test.#paperout.in
- SFCI: state farm Corporation of India.#paperout.in
- GATT general argument traffic and trade establishment 1 June 1995 at WTO World Trade Organisation Geneva.#paperout.in
- UPSDC is established during 2002.#paperout.in
- BP- sample is drawn with the help of germination paper.#paperout.in
- NSC- National seed Corporation 1963.#paperout.in
- NSDP- National seed development programme.#paperout.in
- NSP- National seed program.#paperout.in
- NSSl- National seed storage laboratory.#paperout.in
- NG- Norbic Gene Bank.#paperout.in
- ISST- Indian Society of seed technology.#paperout.in
- UTV- International Union for the protection of plant varieties.#paperout.in
- UPS- in TDS Uttar Pradesh seed and Tarai Development Corporation.
- SRT- seed review team.#paperout.in
- SSC- state seed Corporation.#paperout.in
- SSCA- state seed certification agency.#paperout.in
notes contributed by:
Rajnesh Kumar(Research scholar in Plant Breeding) & Alok kumar (Research scholor in Seed science)
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51-important one liner from SEED SCIENCE
Reviewed by Ravi kumaR
January 21, 2018

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