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Agriculture Quiz-45

Q.1. Horizontal flow of water channel is called
a. Filtration
b. Leaching
c. Seepage
d. All of these

Q.2. Pusa Baisakhi is a variety of
a. Urd
b. Moong
c. jowar
d. Pea

Q.3. The planting method which has maximum plant population
a. Hexagonal
b. Rectangular
c. cuboidal pattern
d. Square pattern

Q.4. Protein content in maize  
a. 10%
b. 11%
c. 12%
d. 13%

Q.5. Relative humidity is measured by
a. Barometer
b. Tensiometer
c. Psychrometer
d. auxanometer

Q.6. Most active wavelength in photosynthesis    
a. 300 to 700 nm
b. 400 to 700 nm
c. 500 to 700
d. All of these

Q.7. Test weight of rice grain is
a. 20 gram
b. 10 gram
c. 15 gram
d. 25 gram

Q.8. Rain in Northern reason due to
a. South depression
b. Western depression
c. Northern depression
d. All of these

Q.9. Highest oil percentage in which crop
a. Sesamum
b. Castor
c. Mustard
d. Sunflower
e. Coconut

Q.10. Miracle rice of India is
a. Ratna
b. Jaya
c. PSB 71
d. Sonalika

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Agriculture Quiz-45 Agriculture Quiz-45 Reviewed by Onlineexamfever on January 29, 2018 Rating: 5

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