IBPS AFO/SO Bank related questions for interview
बैंक क्या है?
-बैंक ऋण देने व धन जमा करने हेतु लाईसेंसधारी वित्तीय संस्था है!
बैंको के प्रकार बताएं?
-कार्यक्षेत्र के हिसाब से-
Commercial for entrepreneur:
Public sector- PNB, SBI, Bank of Maharashtra etc.
Private sector- Axis, Kotak Mahindra etc.
Foreign sector- HSBC, Standard charted etc.
Regional/Rural bank: own by state gov.-Prathma bank
(1975 RRB act)
Co-operative (Co-operative society act 1912):
Small scale-
Primary credit socities- village level
Central co-op. bank-
district level
State co-op. bank- All state level
Investment bank- Citi bank, Bank of America
Specialized: foreign exchange, industrial bank, rural
Central bank: RBI
Saving banks: SBI, Union, Paytm etc.
भारत के प्रथम बैंक कौन सी है?
Bank of Hindustan (1770)
Important banks & related dates:
-The general bank of India: 1786
-Bank of India: 1906
-Reserve bank of India: 1935
-Allahabad bank of India (oldest bank of India):
-Punjab National Bank (purely managed by Indians before
freedom): 1895
-Central Bank of India (truly swadeshi bank): 1911
-NABARD (National bank for Agri. & Rural bank): 1982
-EXIM (Export Import Bank of India): 1982
-NHB (National housing Bank): 1988
-SIDBI (Small Industrial bank of India): 1990
1: Bank of Bengal: 1806
2: Bank of Bombay: 1840
3: Bank of Madras: 1843
उपरोक्त तीनो बैंको को मिलाकर सन
1921 में Imperial bank of India बना जिसे आज़ादी के बाद सन 1955 में State bank of India
नाम मिला!
-first ATM in India: HSBC- हांगकॉन्ग और शंघाई बैंकिंग निगम - 1987 में भारत में एटीएम की अवधारणा को लागू करने वाला पहला बैंक था!
-First time internet banking in India: ICICI bank-1997
-Nationalization of banks:
In July 1969: 14 banks
In April 1980: 6 banks
In 1993 new bank of India merged with PNB.
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IBPS AFO/SO Bank related questions for interview
Reviewed by Ravi kumaR
February 08, 2018

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